Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New Assignments

It is week three at Berkeley and papers are starting to pile up. In my Sociology class we were given a written assignment that is due at the end of the quarter. In my Internship class we also got a writing assignment. I really enjoyed this writing assignment because we had to take an Emotional IQ test and then see what it tells us. After we find out our results we have to discuss our results and how accurate we feel they are. The reason we had to take this test was because our professor feels that your emotional IQ is just as important in the workplace as regular IQ.

My results told me that I am average. I got a score of 101 and I got some interesting tips. I was told that I can handle my problems well but I could also use some work in the emotional department. The survey feels I could be more emotional and express more feeling because I am not getting all I can from my experiences. I don’t fully agree with that but that’s what I was told.

Today is our meeting with SGA and I have to make notes for the event. We thought that in the summer time we would not have a good outcome when it comes to new members but it has been great! Every meeting we have about 10 or more students which was not the case in the spring. Our Facebook page is blooming with 63 members and we are still growing. This makes me very happy since I will be leaving soon and I have to leave the SGA behind.

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