Thursday, April 24, 2008

Recycle Your Style

Yesterday was the Recycle Your Style Day at the Garret Mountain campus, and it was the best turnout ever! I must say we had over 100 students come and tie dye with us. We had amazing weather, great people to work with and a lot of fun.

I arrived at 10 am to help Ms. Young prepare everything and set things up. A little after me showed up Ale and also helped us get everything done. We filled up bowls of water, set up the bags to tie dye, made sample shirts, mixed colors in, unpacked gloves and much more. We were selling two types of bags to students that did not bring anything to tie dye. We had smaller bags for a $1 and we had bigger bags for $2 that you can use over and over. The profits that we made will go to Diversity Stride Training.

What we did is started an assembly line. At every station we had an activity. In one we had pre soaking, then rubber banding and putting gloves on, then dipping your clothes in a dye, then decorating it and then putting it in a bag and labeling it. This way we would know who’s is what.

The event started at 11am, and it ended at noon but some people still stayed around. After the event I went to Ms. Smiley and got my cap and gown to wear during the graduation on Friday. I’m not graduating, but I am helping out with the graduation. I graduate in September, but I can’t walk graduation until April of 2009.

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