Friday, June 13, 2008

Finals Are Here!

Finals have been taking up so much of time I have not had a chance to write. Today is already Friday and we only have until the end of tomorrow to submit all our work. Lucky for me I was able to get everything done and today I finished my last online test for my Changing Family class. I submitted one of my written paper finals on Tuesday and I had my grade back already the next day for my Race, Gender and Sex class. Luck for me I got a 90 on that final!

I still have a final to take for my advanced spreadsheets class but that’s not until next Thursday. Most of the class took the final yesterday but I was taking my US citizenship test so I wasn’t able to make it to class. The professor and I made special arrangements to take my test because this was very important to me. Lucky for me I passed my test with flying colors and now I am officially a US citizen. Yayyy!!!

This Thursday we had Chillax Day during the activity period like we did last quarter but this time it was a flop. The masseuse that normally comes never got back to us, we had no music, no mocktails (fake cocktails), and not that many people showed up. I’m not really sure why we were so unprepared, but we did serve ice cream for that hour. That was our last activity period for this quarter. We never have anything going on for the last week because its finals week and most people are studying. We also didn’t have a meeting this Thursday because I was unable to make it due to my test. We all hope to have a wonderful break and hope to see many new faces in the summer time!

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