It seems to me that the weeks in school go by so much faster ever since I started taking night classes. It felt like I barely had time to do anything before, but now the feeling is worse. I had an exam to take on Thursday which only took me sixteen minutes to complete and then I was able to go home. I like it when professors let us go after exams because it’s a nice way to relive stress and not waste time. My International Marketing class teacher was supposed to post the exam on Blackboard but he hasn’t done it yet. I hope that he has changed his mind because his exams are quite long and it would be difficult to cram and get them done by Tuesday. When I say long, I mean ten pages, single spaced assignments!
In the International Business Club we have decided that the event which we’ll organize for the school is pizza and a movie. Yesterday I filled out all the paperwork to hand in, but my only issue is I still to find a movie to show. I will have to run to the library sometime tomorrow to see if maybe the librarian can help me pick something out. They are usually very helpful when it comes to searching for something.
I recently found out something that’s very exciting and I’m all psyched about! The radio station Z100 will be coming to our school on Wednesday and giving away tickets to Zootopia, which is a very popular concert in the tri state area. Since I was asked to write about the event in my Blogs, I am one of the lucky people that will be going with one of my friends. I will have to ask the Vice President of the Club to cover for me this week so that I can attend this event and help out. Should be interesting and fun!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
The weather was looking nice for a couple of days but now we are back to rain. I was starting to enjoy walking through the campus and relaxing outside at the picnic tables between classes. I can’t believe the quarter is almost half way done with and before I know it, it’ll be time to do my schedule for the summer already.
Today was a very sad but meaningful day in the eyes of Berkeley College students because we had a memorial ceremony for the victims of the Virginia Tech School incident. A lot of people showed up for support which was very nice to see. They mentioned the names of all the students that lost their lives, and then we had a moment of silence for everyone affected by the tragedy. Following the moment of silence we had one of our students sing the song “Amazing Grace”.
On Tuesday I had a meeting with Ms.Tripp because she wanted to have a talk with me regarding the International Business Club. I let the club vice president know of the meeting but I could not find her in the Student Center where we were supposed to meet, so I went on my own. Ms.Tripp explained to me how every club needs to organize an event for the school on a specific day. I know we have had some events in the past few quarters but I was not sure if they were mandatory.
After the memorial ceremony I had to go to my club meeting today. I presented them with several ideas of what we can do as our mandatory event, and we decided upon showing a movie and providing pizza to the students. We still need to come up with a plan of how to keep the students in the room so they just don’t eat the pizza and then leave as they have done in the previous quarters. I hope that this event will help us bring in members. We have not yet decided on what specific movie we’ll be showing since the movie has to be educational but fun at the same time.
I’ve spoken to the accounting Club president, and we think that it would be a good idea to bring our clubs together to try and make an event as well. We were thinking of doing something along the lines of a BBQ for the school. Since we are both small clubs, we could join forces and work together as a team to achieve something. This can be a fun way for us to meet new people and learn about other clubs in the process.
Today was a very sad but meaningful day in the eyes of Berkeley College students because we had a memorial ceremony for the victims of the Virginia Tech School incident. A lot of people showed up for support which was very nice to see. They mentioned the names of all the students that lost their lives, and then we had a moment of silence for everyone affected by the tragedy. Following the moment of silence we had one of our students sing the song “Amazing Grace”.
On Tuesday I had a meeting with Ms.Tripp because she wanted to have a talk with me regarding the International Business Club. I let the club vice president know of the meeting but I could not find her in the Student Center where we were supposed to meet, so I went on my own. Ms.Tripp explained to me how every club needs to organize an event for the school on a specific day. I know we have had some events in the past few quarters but I was not sure if they were mandatory.
After the memorial ceremony I had to go to my club meeting today. I presented them with several ideas of what we can do as our mandatory event, and we decided upon showing a movie and providing pizza to the students. We still need to come up with a plan of how to keep the students in the room so they just don’t eat the pizza and then leave as they have done in the previous quarters. I hope that this event will help us bring in members. We have not yet decided on what specific movie we’ll be showing since the movie has to be educational but fun at the same time.
I’ve spoken to the accounting Club president, and we think that it would be a good idea to bring our clubs together to try and make an event as well. We were thinking of doing something along the lines of a BBQ for the school. Since we are both small clubs, we could join forces and work together as a team to achieve something. This can be a fun way for us to meet new people and learn about other clubs in the process.
Friday, April 20, 2007
First Club Meeting
I know it seems like I have been slacking on writing my blogs this week. Things have been so busy this week that I have barely had any time to do anything. This is my second week being back in school for the spring quarter, so there are still a lot of things to catch up on.
On Wednesday the International Business Club finally had its first meeting. We did not have as good of an outcome as we would have hoped for, but the new people that have joined seem very nice. We spoke about ourselves and what we are planning on doing in life, as well as what we want to achieve from the club. As president of the club, I think it is very important that I be open to other people’s opinions and work with them to make the club a successful one.
We went on speaking about what activities the club could organize. Eventually we narrowed the list down to two activities we want to do first, either the International Food Day, or a movie and pizza. On Monday I was having a meeting with Ms.Tripp to discuss the club and its events. I sent an e-mail to Alex, the vice president to see if she would like to accompany me to the meeting in case she wanted to be a part of the discussion.
My classes are running quite smoothly right now. In my Abnormal Psychology class, we had our first exam which was taken online. We were able to use the book, which was a lot of help even though a lot of the questions were from discussions in class. Considering I am not very fond of math, I still managed to do pretty well on the exam.
Soon it will be time to come up with my summer schedule as well. Before that, I have to wait to get my test results from my language test to see which electives I can eliminate. I will have to give them a call on Monday to see where my case stands. Along with everything else going on, I also still have to look into finding an internship which I have been slacking with.
On Wednesday the International Business Club finally had its first meeting. We did not have as good of an outcome as we would have hoped for, but the new people that have joined seem very nice. We spoke about ourselves and what we are planning on doing in life, as well as what we want to achieve from the club. As president of the club, I think it is very important that I be open to other people’s opinions and work with them to make the club a successful one.
We went on speaking about what activities the club could organize. Eventually we narrowed the list down to two activities we want to do first, either the International Food Day, or a movie and pizza. On Monday I was having a meeting with Ms.Tripp to discuss the club and its events. I sent an e-mail to Alex, the vice president to see if she would like to accompany me to the meeting in case she wanted to be a part of the discussion.
My classes are running quite smoothly right now. In my Abnormal Psychology class, we had our first exam which was taken online. We were able to use the book, which was a lot of help even though a lot of the questions were from discussions in class. Considering I am not very fond of math, I still managed to do pretty well on the exam.
Soon it will be time to come up with my summer schedule as well. Before that, I have to wait to get my test results from my language test to see which electives I can eliminate. I will have to give them a call on Monday to see where my case stands. Along with everything else going on, I also still have to look into finding an internship which I have been slacking with.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Habitat for Humanity
Today I participated in the Habitat for Humanity event, it was so much fun! I could have never imagined that working hard and doing back breaking labor would be something I would actually enjoy. I got to meet wonderful people that I was not aware even went to my campus, and working together on a project as a team really brought us together as friends.
We had to arrive at the campus at seven thirty in the morning in order to make it to the Habitat for Humanity location by eight. When we arrived there we had to wait in the car while Mr. Maher along with another student advisor went inside to find out the location that we will be participating in. I was surprised to see that it was mostly all girls and only one guy that signed up to do this!

Ready to Dig!
We finally arrived at the location around nine, and began work. The first two hours went by so slow! Our job was to even out the ground in the back yard, as well as move dirt to the side of the house from the end of the back yard. We did this so that when rain falls the water does not flow towards the house, but away instead.

For the first hour, we were going strong. After about the first hour and a half is when we all started hurting. It got much colder all of a sudden and the wind picked up as well. We were lucky that it did not rain, but the wind definitely did not make things easy for us. I have never imagined how much work doing such a simple task as moving dirt from one area to the next could be. I think that was a reality check for all of us, regarding how hard some people work in this world to make a living, and what it takes to give someone a home to live in. I even learned how to use a shovel properly!
Some of the girls and I got curious and wanted to see what the house looked like on the inside. We asked the supervisors if it was ok to go see it, and they were nice enough to even give us a tour. The house was much bigger than I expected it to be. It had two bathrooms, two or three bedrooms, a large living room as well as an enormous garage. The best part of taking the tour was to be out of the cold wind!
By the time eleven am hit, we were drained. We were tired, cold, hungry, and slowly started to get whiny. We were quite happy to see that the van came a bit early to pick us up to go get our lunch. We got back to the headquarters and waited for Mr. Maher to bring in the pizza that they got from the local pizzeria. After we were all done eating we sat for a couple of minutes and chatted about some interesting topics. We spoke about our majors, what each of us is hoping to do after we graduate, as well as some off topic subjects that were very interesting and funny to listen to.

After lunch it was time to go back to work. This time we were relocated to another location, but still in the Paterson area. This house needed a fence to be moved as well as to have its driveway evened out so that they can put asphalt on it. At this time of the day the sun slowly started to peak out, and the work wasn’t as hard as it was at the other location. Since we were all filled up with pizza, we were also a lot more energized to work. We only stayed at that work site for about an hour and a half since there was not that much work which needed to be done.


Since we were done early, the shuttle that got us there was not able to come back until three thirty. Because of this, the supervisors of the work sites gave us rides back to the headquarters and the Student Development advisors drove us back to the school since we were only about ten minutes away.

Today was a very meaningful day because I got to do something for others. I realized how much work goes into a project like building a house, and people who do this every day deserve much more credit than they do now for providing people with homes and places to feel safe in. While doing something meaningful, I got to meet great people and learn aspects of great team work. I will never forget this day and what a learning experience it was.
We had to arrive at the campus at seven thirty in the morning in order to make it to the Habitat for Humanity location by eight. When we arrived there we had to wait in the car while Mr. Maher along with another student advisor went inside to find out the location that we will be participating in. I was surprised to see that it was mostly all girls and only one guy that signed up to do this!

Ready to Dig!
We finally arrived at the location around nine, and began work. The first two hours went by so slow! Our job was to even out the ground in the back yard, as well as move dirt to the side of the house from the end of the back yard. We did this so that when rain falls the water does not flow towards the house, but away instead.

For the first hour, we were going strong. After about the first hour and a half is when we all started hurting. It got much colder all of a sudden and the wind picked up as well. We were lucky that it did not rain, but the wind definitely did not make things easy for us. I have never imagined how much work doing such a simple task as moving dirt from one area to the next could be. I think that was a reality check for all of us, regarding how hard some people work in this world to make a living, and what it takes to give someone a home to live in. I even learned how to use a shovel properly!
Some of the girls and I got curious and wanted to see what the house looked like on the inside. We asked the supervisors if it was ok to go see it, and they were nice enough to even give us a tour. The house was much bigger than I expected it to be. It had two bathrooms, two or three bedrooms, a large living room as well as an enormous garage. The best part of taking the tour was to be out of the cold wind!
By the time eleven am hit, we were drained. We were tired, cold, hungry, and slowly started to get whiny. We were quite happy to see that the van came a bit early to pick us up to go get our lunch. We got back to the headquarters and waited for Mr. Maher to bring in the pizza that they got from the local pizzeria. After we were all done eating we sat for a couple of minutes and chatted about some interesting topics. We spoke about our majors, what each of us is hoping to do after we graduate, as well as some off topic subjects that were very interesting and funny to listen to.

After lunch it was time to go back to work. This time we were relocated to another location, but still in the Paterson area. This house needed a fence to be moved as well as to have its driveway evened out so that they can put asphalt on it. At this time of the day the sun slowly started to peak out, and the work wasn’t as hard as it was at the other location. Since we were all filled up with pizza, we were also a lot more energized to work. We only stayed at that work site for about an hour and a half since there was not that much work which needed to be done.


Since we were done early, the shuttle that got us there was not able to come back until three thirty. Because of this, the supervisors of the work sites gave us rides back to the headquarters and the Student Development advisors drove us back to the school since we were only about ten minutes away.

Today was a very meaningful day because I got to do something for others. I realized how much work goes into a project like building a house, and people who do this every day deserve much more credit than they do now for providing people with homes and places to feel safe in. While doing something meaningful, I got to meet great people and learn aspects of great team work. I will never forget this day and what a learning experience it was.

Thursday, April 12, 2007
The Induction
Yesterday was a very exciting day for me, since I had the club convention as well as my induction ceremony. Work for my classes is slowly starting to pile up, but so far I have been able to handle them very well. Having two night classes gives me the opportunity to have all day to take care of my work as well as other errands that I need to run.
The club convention started at 11am yesterday and it lasted until 12pm. Since our last president left, I was bumped up to being the president, and the treasurer was bumped up to vice president. It will make things quite interesting because her name is Alexandra, and I’m Aleksandra. We have come to the conclusion that since she already has the money for club organized from her duties as treasurer last quarter, we will combine her position of treasurer with vice president. We both feel that it will be easier to keep track of things and since she has already opened up an account, it would be pointless to change it again.
During our club convention we were able to get about twenty new members. I know those are only names on the paper for now, but hopefully all of them will be able to show up to the meeting next Wednesday. I would like to see the club really come together and have students not only become members of a club but friends as well. I have a lot of activities planned that require a lot of team work and trust, therefore I hope it can bond the members together.
My induction ceremony began at 7pm, but the inductees had to be there at 6:30. My parents and I all traveled together so that we didn’t have to take two cars. When we arrived, the parents had to go sit down in the seating room, and the inductees had to stay in the hallway and line up. After we all lined up, Mr. Maher gave us instructions on how things will happen and what is expected of us. I was a little nervous because we had no previous practices, but when time came to go in, we all did very well.
I was very surprised at how many people attended the ceremony as well as how many people received awards from the school. I’m happy to see that Berkeley College has this many successful students as well as caring families that came to the ceremony.

Once the ceremony started it went by pretty quick. Some people gave speeches, and then they went into giving out the honor stoles. After the ceremony was over, the inductees had to go into the back and pick up their certificates. Besides getting the stole and certificates, we also received label pins, and car stickers. We then proceeded to the hallway where there were some dinner entrees along with fruit and vegetables. We were able to mingle for about two hours, but my family and I left after about 30 minutes since I still had some things to take care of.

I have mentioned in a previous blog that I need to start looking for an internship, both to gain experience in my field of study and complete a requirement for my degree. About five days ago I looked at the Berkeley College Career Services website, and saw a position that will fit me well. It’s a Marketing Assistant position located in Saddle Brook. It’s kind of far from my house, but only about ten to fifteen minutes from the school. They mentioned that the hours are flexible, so hopefully I can plan my work hours around my school schedule. Since this job would be related to my career path, it should be able to qualify as an internship for the degree requirement. I should hear back from them sometime next week to see if I got the position.
Tomorrow is the Habitat for Humanity project that we are doing with the school. I heard that a lot of people will be attending. The school sent me an e-mail asking me if I would be interested in doing an interview on camera about the project, what I thought of the day and if I would be willing to interview other students. Of course I agreed since it will make things more interesting for me and it should be fun to hear the opinions of some of the other students.
The club convention started at 11am yesterday and it lasted until 12pm. Since our last president left, I was bumped up to being the president, and the treasurer was bumped up to vice president. It will make things quite interesting because her name is Alexandra, and I’m Aleksandra. We have come to the conclusion that since she already has the money for club organized from her duties as treasurer last quarter, we will combine her position of treasurer with vice president. We both feel that it will be easier to keep track of things and since she has already opened up an account, it would be pointless to change it again.
During our club convention we were able to get about twenty new members. I know those are only names on the paper for now, but hopefully all of them will be able to show up to the meeting next Wednesday. I would like to see the club really come together and have students not only become members of a club but friends as well. I have a lot of activities planned that require a lot of team work and trust, therefore I hope it can bond the members together.
My induction ceremony began at 7pm, but the inductees had to be there at 6:30. My parents and I all traveled together so that we didn’t have to take two cars. When we arrived, the parents had to go sit down in the seating room, and the inductees had to stay in the hallway and line up. After we all lined up, Mr. Maher gave us instructions on how things will happen and what is expected of us. I was a little nervous because we had no previous practices, but when time came to go in, we all did very well.
I was very surprised at how many people attended the ceremony as well as how many people received awards from the school. I’m happy to see that Berkeley College has this many successful students as well as caring families that came to the ceremony.

Once the ceremony started it went by pretty quick. Some people gave speeches, and then they went into giving out the honor stoles. After the ceremony was over, the inductees had to go into the back and pick up their certificates. Besides getting the stole and certificates, we also received label pins, and car stickers. We then proceeded to the hallway where there were some dinner entrees along with fruit and vegetables. We were able to mingle for about two hours, but my family and I left after about 30 minutes since I still had some things to take care of.

I have mentioned in a previous blog that I need to start looking for an internship, both to gain experience in my field of study and complete a requirement for my degree. About five days ago I looked at the Berkeley College Career Services website, and saw a position that will fit me well. It’s a Marketing Assistant position located in Saddle Brook. It’s kind of far from my house, but only about ten to fifteen minutes from the school. They mentioned that the hours are flexible, so hopefully I can plan my work hours around my school schedule. Since this job would be related to my career path, it should be able to qualify as an internship for the degree requirement. I should hear back from them sometime next week to see if I got the position.
Tomorrow is the Habitat for Humanity project that we are doing with the school. I heard that a lot of people will be attending. The school sent me an e-mail asking me if I would be interested in doing an interview on camera about the project, what I thought of the day and if I would be willing to interview other students. Of course I agreed since it will make things more interesting for me and it should be fun to hear the opinions of some of the other students.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
First Week is Over
So I have finally met all my professors and experienced what night classes are like. My Thursday night class professor is very nice, and has a lot of experience in what he is teaching. Considering it is a three and a half hour class, he did a great job at managing the class time, and keeping the class awake. First he spoke a bit about his life and the syllabus so that we know what to expect from the class. Then we covered two chapters which went by pretty quick since he was able to give us real examples and not just read from the book. After covering the chapters we watched two short movies about how an ad agency is ran.
I recently got an e-mail from Berkeley College stating that there is going to be another career fair in May. I went to one last year but since I was only going into my sophomore year, not a lot of companies were interested in me yet. From my experience, they are mostly looking for interns or full time employees around their junior or senior year. I have gotten much more involved in school activities this year than I did last year. I am sure all those little things have definitely boosted my resume up which should help at the career fair.
The club convention is four days away, and I am nowhere near prepared. I haven’t been able to get a hold of Mr. Maher around school to speak to him about making the brochures or flyers for the convention. As I mentioned in my previous blogs, I cannot find the original brochure to the club, so I don’t know where to find the original mission statement. I hope Mr. Maher can help me with that when I finally get a chance to speak to him. I also need to get in touch with the current treasurer of the club so that she can be involved in the club convention as well.
Next Wednesday is my induction for the International Honor Society for Business, Management and Administration. It’s being held at the Crown Plaza Hotel, which is the same place that the job fair was located at last year. It’s a very nice hotel from what I can remember. I hope the ceremony will be very nice and a great memory to have, I’m definitely looking forward to it!
I recently got an e-mail from Berkeley College stating that there is going to be another career fair in May. I went to one last year but since I was only going into my sophomore year, not a lot of companies were interested in me yet. From my experience, they are mostly looking for interns or full time employees around their junior or senior year. I have gotten much more involved in school activities this year than I did last year. I am sure all those little things have definitely boosted my resume up which should help at the career fair.
The club convention is four days away, and I am nowhere near prepared. I haven’t been able to get a hold of Mr. Maher around school to speak to him about making the brochures or flyers for the convention. As I mentioned in my previous blogs, I cannot find the original brochure to the club, so I don’t know where to find the original mission statement. I hope Mr. Maher can help me with that when I finally get a chance to speak to him. I also need to get in touch with the current treasurer of the club so that she can be involved in the club convention as well.
Next Wednesday is my induction for the International Honor Society for Business, Management and Administration. It’s being held at the Crown Plaza Hotel, which is the same place that the job fair was located at last year. It’s a very nice hotel from what I can remember. I hope the ceremony will be very nice and a great memory to have, I’m definitely looking forward to it!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
New Classes
So it ended up that I was not able to do the commercial, because on Monday I got a chicken pox vaccine and came down with some of the symptoms. It would have been a fun experience, but I did not feel comfortable to do the recording while feeling the way I did. Hopefully one day I will have another opportunity to do something like that.
I am finally back in school now. I’m glad too, because sitting at home was really starting to get to me. I got to meet three of my professors for this quarter, and still have one left to meet. I will get the chance to meet him tomorrow in my night class. I have never taken a night class before, but now that I have, I really like them! The parking lots are not crowded, no traffic on the way home, and I have all day to do whatever I please. This is going to be very convenient in the summer time when it’s going to be time to go to the beach or on day trips.
My Abnormal Psychology class is very interesting. I have been looking forward to it because I have had the same professor before, and he makes the lectures really fun by filling it with interesting facts. Today he talked about where the word lunatic came from. It originated back in the day when people believed in witches, and did rituals to cure them of the daemons. Since many sorts of magic were believed to be connected to the moon, which is also known as a lunar, the witches were considered to be “lunatics”. This class is at 8am, so its takes a lot to keep me up and the interesting discussions help to do that.
In addition to Abnormal Psychology, I also have College Algebra on Monday and Wednesday. Considering I hate math, this professor is very good at explaining the problems and making things understandable. She is also an online teacher, so she is able to provide the students with power point presentations and online presentations of the work. Since I am not too good at math, I’m glad that Berkeley College offers free tutoring for the students. This gives a little relief knowing that in case I fall behind or don’t understand something, my professor is there to help me as well as tutors that are available almost every day.
My International Marketing class is my first night class that I had. Before class, the students and I got to speak a little about the professor and his reputation for giving very long papers. I have also had this professor before, so I somewhat know what to expect. He was about twenty minutes late, but when he finally came in we watched a short movie to review some things from our Principles of Marketing class. After that, he was able to show us the connection between marketing locally to marketing internationally. Since the class is three and a half hour long, he does a very good job at switching things up and keeping the class interested. We got to do a little bit of everything. We watched a movie, worked in pairs, took a mini pop quiz, and then took some lecture notes. He let us out about an hour early, since we were able to accomplish covering all the material we needed to for the day.
I was able to come up with some flyers and papers for the International Business Club, but still need to find Mr. Maher to speak to him about some issues I have. I do not have the original brochures from the club with the mission statement and the goals of the club. I want to incorporate those things in the new flyers I am making, but since the original president of the club has graduated, I have no way of getting hold of her. We have the club convention coming up soon so I need to be prepared.
I am finally back in school now. I’m glad too, because sitting at home was really starting to get to me. I got to meet three of my professors for this quarter, and still have one left to meet. I will get the chance to meet him tomorrow in my night class. I have never taken a night class before, but now that I have, I really like them! The parking lots are not crowded, no traffic on the way home, and I have all day to do whatever I please. This is going to be very convenient in the summer time when it’s going to be time to go to the beach or on day trips.
My Abnormal Psychology class is very interesting. I have been looking forward to it because I have had the same professor before, and he makes the lectures really fun by filling it with interesting facts. Today he talked about where the word lunatic came from. It originated back in the day when people believed in witches, and did rituals to cure them of the daemons. Since many sorts of magic were believed to be connected to the moon, which is also known as a lunar, the witches were considered to be “lunatics”. This class is at 8am, so its takes a lot to keep me up and the interesting discussions help to do that.
In addition to Abnormal Psychology, I also have College Algebra on Monday and Wednesday. Considering I hate math, this professor is very good at explaining the problems and making things understandable. She is also an online teacher, so she is able to provide the students with power point presentations and online presentations of the work. Since I am not too good at math, I’m glad that Berkeley College offers free tutoring for the students. This gives a little relief knowing that in case I fall behind or don’t understand something, my professor is there to help me as well as tutors that are available almost every day.
My International Marketing class is my first night class that I had. Before class, the students and I got to speak a little about the professor and his reputation for giving very long papers. I have also had this professor before, so I somewhat know what to expect. He was about twenty minutes late, but when he finally came in we watched a short movie to review some things from our Principles of Marketing class. After that, he was able to show us the connection between marketing locally to marketing internationally. Since the class is three and a half hour long, he does a very good job at switching things up and keeping the class interested. We got to do a little bit of everything. We watched a movie, worked in pairs, took a mini pop quiz, and then took some lecture notes. He let us out about an hour early, since we were able to accomplish covering all the material we needed to for the day.
I was able to come up with some flyers and papers for the International Business Club, but still need to find Mr. Maher to speak to him about some issues I have. I do not have the original brochures from the club with the mission statement and the goals of the club. I want to incorporate those things in the new flyers I am making, but since the original president of the club has graduated, I have no way of getting hold of her. We have the club convention coming up soon so I need to be prepared.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Commercial and New Quarter
Today is the last day of my spring break, and I’m somewhat excited to see what my new professors and classes are going to be like. I’m sort of dreading my Algebra class this quarter because I’m not too good with math. I logged into Blackboard and read some information about my professors, and they seem like very interesting people. Two of the professors I’ll have this quarter, I’ve already had in my previous classes, but two of them are new. I once again have the professor who assigns those single spaced, six page papers! I hope he isn’t too overwhelming again.
The other day I got an e-mail from Ms. Covino with an offer to be in a Berkeley College commercial! It should be really interesting to do that, since I have never done anything along those lines before. I have to go to the Paramus campus this Tuesday, which is about 30 minutes from my house and be there at 8:15am. I was advised to bring two outfits, one business like suit and the other casual. I think I’m going to wear the casual one, and bring the suit, since I will be much more comfortable.
Tomorrow I need to find Mr. Maher to sit down with him and go over the new flyer or brochure for the International Business Club. Since some of the events have already happened that were advertised, the brochure needs to be changed and edited a bit. I am hoping to get a lot of new members this quarter to make the club a success. The club convention is on Wednesday, so I don’t really have a lot of time with work and class tomorrow, and commercial on Tuesday. I hope everything works out well in time!
The other day I got an e-mail from Ms. Covino with an offer to be in a Berkeley College commercial! It should be really interesting to do that, since I have never done anything along those lines before. I have to go to the Paramus campus this Tuesday, which is about 30 minutes from my house and be there at 8:15am. I was advised to bring two outfits, one business like suit and the other casual. I think I’m going to wear the casual one, and bring the suit, since I will be much more comfortable.
Tomorrow I need to find Mr. Maher to sit down with him and go over the new flyer or brochure for the International Business Club. Since some of the events have already happened that were advertised, the brochure needs to be changed and edited a bit. I am hoping to get a lot of new members this quarter to make the club a success. The club convention is on Wednesday, so I don’t really have a lot of time with work and class tomorrow, and commercial on Tuesday. I hope everything works out well in time!
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