Friday, March 9, 2007

Hanging in there...

Ok, I am sure all of you are wondering what happened with the International Food Day event. Unfortunately, it did not happen, which is very disappointing. Tuesday morning I went around looking for any sign or form of announcement regarding the event, but there was nothing. I went to an advisor to see if they knew anything about any announcements but even they knew nothing. I asked the advisors what they think I should do and they advised me to cancel the event because a one day notice is not enough time to have a good turnout. I tried to call the president of the club around 9am, but he did not pick up his phone. Since there was not much that could be done at this point, I left him a message that I am canceling the event because nobody was aware of it.

I felt bad because I did not know the phone numbers of all the members who were in charge of bringing some type of food in. I was hoping they wouldn’t bring something in expecting the event to take place only to find out it got canceled. I finally got a call back from the president of the club around 3pm, but was unable to pick up the phone because I had a doctors appointment. He left a message saying that the event will be canceled because the school has something else going on and that the event cannot take place this Thursday. This confused me since the event was supposed to take place on Wednesday. Either way, we now have to reschedule the event. Due to the way he managed the event, such as not putting up any signs and then not letting other members know what is going on until the last minute, I have lost a lot of my trust in him and I feel that he is quite irresponsible when it comes to being a club president.

Wednesday we had more snow once again. It always seems like it only snows on either Mondays or Wednesdays when I have classes that I do not want to miss. School was not canceled but most students did not show up anyway because of the poor road conditions. That day it took me an hour and a half to get to class! By the time I got to class, the class was over but I’m glad that my professor is understanding and did not count that as me missing class.

Today I was able to get a head start and work on a few of my final exam papers since I do not have any typical exam tests. For one class I will have a paper due about something I enjoyed doing in class from the book. This should be fun since I will be writing about what I liked instead something that is being forced upon me. In another class I have a take home test which should be pretty easy if I put some effort into it and in another class I have a group project where we have to work on a case study. I am hoping to get all A’s in all my classes, but we will see how that goes.

Berkeley College is having some interesting activities going on soon that I wish I could attend. Next week on Wednesday the school is having a stress management seminar where you can learn how to deal with stress and how to avoid it. I could definitely use that but unfortunately I have to work and cannot make it.

This weekend, one of the professors who is also an actor is putting on a play at the school. I have never been to his plays but I have heard they are very good! This weekend I am going away so I cannot make it to that either!

Today in class I got excited because I was able to use my experience from going to the Leadership Retreat in Baltimore. In my organizational behavior class we were talking about change in organizations and how hard it is to accomplish. When I was at the retreat we spoke about change as well and how hard it is to change peoples’ habits. I gave an example of when we talked about the rubber band effect and how a person is like a rubber band when trying to change. A rubber band when stretched has a force pulling it back down to go back to its normal state the whole time until it snaps. This is like a person trying to change because if you are trying to change and achieve something, your will power has to be strong enough to keep going and not revert back to your normal state. Depending on what you are trying to achieve or change, sometimes you even have friends, family members, or people you care about trying to pull you back and prevent you from changing.

Coming from a Polish family, my parents are very over-protective and are always afraid of change and going away from the norm. They are afraid of me trying new things that are not secure and taking a risk because sometimes you may not achieve what you want and you may fail. Berkeley College has definitely taught me that it is important to take risks and chances in order to succeed because if you do not even try, how can you achieve anything. Things just do not come to you themselves, you have to strive for them.

Well, it is getting late and I still have some work to catch up for my classes. Till next time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...