Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Multicultural Chillax

I have not written on my blog for a while but I have a good excuse! I was in Europe!!! I finally came back on Sunday, and I was so happy to be back. I always love vacations but I always get home sick and want to come back after a week.

I need to catch up and let you know about some of the events that we have been doing right before I graduated. As you know from previous blogs at the end of each quarter we always do a Chillax day where we have activities for students where they can relax, take a load off and have some fun before the week of finals. Well what we did this Chillax day is we combined two events together and made it into one.

Ale who is the vice president of the school really wanted to do something multicultural related because Berkeley is such a diverse school. We were running out of time because we are about to graduate and we have submitted proposals months ago. What we finally came up with is a Multicultural Chillax Day! It ended up being so much fun. We had food that we served for absolutely free, games, painting, and much more. Ms. Young was away on vacation so she was unable to help us but I think we did a pretty good job. Check out the pictures!

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