Monday, October 29, 2007

Sick and Still Busy

Sneezing here, sneezing there, I just can’t stop sneezing. The weather has turned to freezing, with this morning’s temperatures in the high 20s and unfortunately some classrooms don’t feel much better, especially at 8am. I’m going to the doctor today after class because I am feeling sick!

This weekend I started working on my Market Research paper which was really fun. I went to Borders with someone to scope out some of my subjects. It was a good idea to bring someone so that they can look at books while I appear as though I am waiting for them. This didn’t make me look as suspicious as standing alone, looking at people and writing things down. It was fun to analyze people and make assumptions about them. It’s kind of interesting how all the people that I analyzed had many things in common. I will write up my paper later on this week.

I also have to make my winter schedule this week. I meant to do it a while ago but I was just being lazy. I thought that maybe by now most classes would be filled but surprisingly many classes are still open. Hopefully it can stay this way for another day of two!

Well, its time to get going to my Intercultural Communication class and take a test. Wish me luck!

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