Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Pizza for the Class!

Yesterday was such a fun day in class! Since this is the last week of regular scheduled classes, the professors are finalizing things and giving us our last tests. Yesterday was our last day of class for my World Cultures class with Professor Kulik (she raises Alpacas!). It was the day to present our final projects, but the professor was kind enough to buy pizza and drinks for the whole class! I was so glad to hear that because I was starving since I didn’t have time to eat dinner before I came to class.

Our final project was about doing a movie/presentation in either Windows Moviemaker or PowerPoint about an experience with another culture. I did mine about Polish Christmas since that is my favorite event of the year. First I talked about what the holiday is about and what are some of the traditions. This includes Polish food such as pierogi, makowjec, karp, sledzie etc. I then went on to show pictures of my Christmas spent in Poland and how I continue the traditions living in America today.

Other students had very interesting presentations. It’s amazing how culturally rich our class was. Almost everyone had a different country that they presented on. Some stories were touching, some were scary and some were funny. One girl told us a story of when she went on vacation and she was kidnapped in Cuba. I cannot imagine the experience that she must have gone through. She said the reason she survived and they released her was because she gave them money. Another story I found interesting was one about a girl who went to Jamaica with her friend to visit family and spend time at a resort. She explained her culture shock and how glad she is to live in the United States. It really cracked me up when she was talking about cows and goats being used as lawn mowers.

I enjoyed that class very much. It touched on a lot of interesting subjects and the professor uses great methods to teach. I strongly recommend taking this class to anyone who is considering. It’s fun, exciting, and you get introduced to things that you have never known before.

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