Monday, February 9, 2009

Reading Makes You Stronger

The weather is starting to tease us a little bit giving us 50 degree temperatures and then dropping back down to 30 and then 50’s again and so on. It’s a nice preview of what’s soon to come and gets us all excited about the spring. With spring come great activities at Berkeley and more outdoor fun around the different campuses. I remember when spring was coming we always started planning outdoor activities such as Habitat for Humanity, building playgrounds in Paterson and helping out in a soup kitchen. It was a lot of great fun that brought us together.

This week I bought myself a new car. Since I got a promotion at work, and I am shooting for another one at the end of this month I wanted to get something for myself that will give me a “why” as to why I need to earn money. When your job requires you to motivate yourself to earn money it’s easy to lose yourself in the freedom and lack the motivation to earn money. By being in a position where I have certain responsibilities to take care of each month now I have the extra push to make sure I succeed. Having a brand new car also gives you the motivation of what else is in store for you if you keep up the good work and stay on track of your game.

I have been doing a lot of reading lately and doing a lot of self improvement. The reason I am doing this is because I am in the business of helping people and families so it’s very important that my mindset is in the right place and that I know where I am going in life. Seeing the negatives of people’s lives can sometimes bring you down but by me being enthusiastic towards people and giving them positive vibes their situation doesn’t always feel so bad. It’s uplifting to me when I read and learn about myself, but it’s even more uplifting when I am able to help a family set up a solid foundation for their families.

Some great books that I would highly recommend are:

The Secret- Rhonda Byrne
Becoming A Better You- Joel Osteen
Smart Women Finish Rich- David Bach
How to Make Friends, and Influence People- Dale Carnegie

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