Monday, February 16, 2009


How does it feel to witness history? WONDERFUL! Not even a month ago most Americans sat at work listening to the radio or watching TV seeing our new president being inaugurated. Why was this so special? It was special because for the first time in the United States history we have elected a black president into the office. United States has come a far way from slavery days to electing its first black president and I could not be more proud to be a United States citizen.

Berkeley College celebrated just like anyone else. The Student Center was filled with chairs and food. Students along with teachers poured in to watch the event live on the NEW plasma TV that the Student Center received. At one point I saw that there were so many people in there that people had to stand because they ran out of chairs. Students were serving pizza, drinks and other refreshments to make everyone feel comfortable. Here are the pictures from the great historical event.

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