Tuesday, October 21, 2008


As I wrote in my last blog you go through a lot of changes during college but you go through more changes even after college. Some change is voluntary and some change in inevitable because you have to adjust to the change of environment around you. You get to meet many different people and you notice the different types of qualities in people.

Being in a position in my new job where I hire people on a weekly basis I get to see many different faces and personalities. Being exposed to so many different people you get to compare them to one another and pick out people you like versus people who would not fit in with your company. The thing that I pay attention to the most is people’s interview skills and how they can maintain a conversation. Let me tell you, it is amazing what you come across!

Some people that I interview I would never even guess they graduated from college. They are sloppy, no manners, thinks their doing you a favor and just act ridicules. In my opinion this not only makes them look bad but also the college that they graduated from. Coming from Berkeley I have a full understanding of the interview process, the possible questions that may be asked and I know to prepare for an interview and not just show up. Berkeley not only taught me how to interview but they also were there for me to do mock interviews if I needed it. They would role play with me and ask me questions an employer would so that I wouldn’t be so nervous.

Some of the things I see is people coming to an interview in sneakers, not groomed, don’t know how to answer questions or don’t even bother brining in a resume. Once I asked a girl a question and she sat in front of me for at least a minute unable to tell me 3 positive qualities about herself. I remember in Placement Seminar we had to write out all the good and bad qualities about ourselves and how to make the negative stuff sound good. For example, when you want to say that you like having your way, of course you wouldn’t say that. Instead you say that you are persistent and you like to get your idea across.

I am so happy that Berkeley was able to provide me with out of college experience in college. Watching some people today makes me feel very good about my skills and I can feel confident that I stand out when I go into an interview. The best part is that even though I have already graduated I can always go back and practice with a counselor. They will even edit my resume for me if I need it. How cool is that???

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