For many people graduating college means never being involved with their school again. People graduate, move away, and don’t really care to stay involved. In other cases there are situations where people do want to stay involved but their college does not offer any opportunities for them to get involved. I have only been a graduate for a little over a month, but I was already offered opportunities to attend and participate.
Next week Berkeley is having a career convention for graduates. During this time people can attend, see other graduates, explore careers available and talk to different vendors. This will be held during the activity period at the Garret Mountain campus. I am very excited to see everyone at Berkeley. I miss everyone at the Student Development department as well as everyone that I have worked with.
Another exciting activity that’s coming up is Career Day. Career Day is a modified Career Fair where instead of trying to find a job, students are there to learn about jobs, interview practices, find out what employers are looking for and maybe they will get lucky and find a job. Many people have misconceptions about job fairs thinking that you go there to find a job. Sometimes this does happen but Career Fairs are there mostly for networking opportunities. You meet employers and make possible connections with people that may be useful to you.
I am really excited about this Career Day because I am not only trying to go there as a graduate but as an employer as well. I got an e-mail from Mr. Wood, who is in charge of Alumni relations that this event will be going on and if you are an employer you can also have a table. I have e-mailed him last week and once this week but I have not yet received anything back yet. I will try to call him today or tomorrow to see if I can get a hold of him through the phone. My company is currently looking to put together a new management team and we are looking for well rounded people with a strong business mind and someone who likes working with people. This Career Day event would be a perfect place to start my search.
I also need to call Berkeley to find out about my diploma. It has been over a month since I have graduated, but I haven’t heard anything from the school yet. I knew that it was going to take a while because they need to confirm that you have completed all the requirements, but I’m not sure as to how much longer this will take. I did receive a great letter from one of my loan company though! It said that because I have achieved above a 3.5 GPA I do not have to pay off my loan! How great is that? That must have been the best letter that I have received all month. It pays off to pay attention and do well in school. It saved me about $4,000.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
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