Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Small Thought

This morning I was at the store and I had a small gift card for it. At first I didn't really know what I wanted to get but then I saw some really pretty fountains and smelly diffusers. Then my train of thought was do I want to get it for my house or do I want to get it for work. After pondering for about 3 minutes I had a thought. My thought was did we ever noticed that we spend more time at work than at home? I was thinking to myself where will I get more use out of it home are at work and the answer was very clear! WORK!

Sometimes people think that work is all about making money but is it? If you have to spend most of your time only to earn money are you working to live or living to work? I believe that many people need to ask themselves these questions before starting college. What is it that you want to do? When do you want to do it and how do you want to do it? What goals do you want to achieve in your life? What time frame do you want to achieve them in? Who do you want along with you achieving these goals. its amazing how many jobs you can narrow down by simply asking yourself those questions.

For example if you want to be a business man and own your own business you have to be flexible. You have to have a partner who will want to sacrifice some things with you. You may not be able to take off from your business whenever you want so many vacations may not always be an option. Maybe you want to travel the world so working for a big corporation that allows you to travel and do business in many places is a great option for you. If you enjoy working with children maybe you need to be a teacher. If you like to read maybe you should be a researcher.

There are many career options for everyone but first you need to ask yourself some very basic simple questions. Doing what you choose to do will take a lot from your life so make sure you re doing something worthy and something you really enjoy. Money is not the most important factor in your life and when you are in a store looking a fountain to put on your desk, make sure its a desk where you enjoy spending time at.

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