The weekend has come and gone and its time to get back in business. Saturday my school had a show called "Beauty Within". We decided to run a hair show for family and friends to raise money for Domestic Violence Abuse. The show went really well and the students really had fun with it. My Sunday on the other hand was not so good. First thing in the morning I realized my long time fish named Jimmy died. He was happy swimming in the morning and then by the time 10am came around he wasn't really swimming anymore. I cried, I pouted but in the end everything was ok. I knew he was in a better place.
Later on that day I decided to go to the pet store and see if I like any other beta fish to replace my Jimmy. The fish tank looked very sad and empty without him so I needed to replace him quick. Once I was at the store I walked around and came across one of those large talking parrots that hang out on a stand and talk to you. For some reason this parrot was looking at me strongly and swaying back and forth. At first I didn't know what that bird was doing so I just went to turn around and walk away to keep looking for a pretty fish. As soon as I turned around the bird jumped off the stand and started flying towards me! it clawed its feet in my hair and attached itself to me! Now this bird was about one foot long and quite heavy! I ran around the store screaming because I had this huge bird stuck in my hair!
When the clerk came out he took the bird out of my hair and said the bird has been doing it all week. I thought to myself that maybe they should tie this bird down since they know the issue that's going on with this bird! Apparently the bird got attracted to my neon green ski jacket and my long hair that was down. He must have thought I was a friend or something! So not only did I loose my fish but then I got attacked by a bird too!
So I thought that was the end of my bad luck but little did I know. Later on I decided to go get a small bar table so I can put my wine on it and my wine glasses. I went to the store, got one and it took me about an hour and a half to put it together. This little bar table was really a pain in the but to put together. When I was finally done I wanted to go it a test run and come to find out that the bar does not hold standard wine glasses, it has a be a specifically fitted glasses! I was so frustrated at that point I just took the whole thing apart again and returned it.
Lucky for me Monday was a lot better. On a better note, whenever the weather gets cooler and the leaves start turning colors I get in the holiday spirit. Before we know it all those holidays will be around the corner and we will all be in a celebration mood. I think that my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. I think its my favorite because I never got to celebrate it in Europe and now its like an additional holiday I get to celebrate. I love getting the family all together and talk about things we haven't had a time to catch up on all year. its great having those people around you that get together with you at least once a year to show you that they care.