Monday, March 1, 2010

Who Would Have Thought

Ugh, I have to say I feel like such a blogger slacker. I have been slacking majorly in contributing to my blogging community here at Berkeley. Sometimes life just happens and you lose track of all your responsibilities. About a month has passed since I have blogged but not much has really changed in my life.

Recently I have taken an outlet in reading different books, mostly biographies. I have never thought that I would like reading biographies but after reading one I got stuck on them. Why are they so interesting to me? After reading my first biography from cover to cover I have come to realize that reading biographies is like getting to meet all sorts of people, learning from their experience and actually feeling like a friend to that person.

I am a strong believer that the best way to learn life lessons is to learn it the hard way, on your own. Many times we are told certain things but for some reason things just don’t click until we experience something on our own. By reading peoples stories I feel like I get the best of both. I can read a lesson that someone else has learned but also be able to visualize and feel the feelings that a character in the book has felt where I almost feel like I am the character in the book.

I recently even started listening to the Easy Listening station on my Verison Fios music stations. They always play music that sounds like movie soundtracks so it adds a little background music to your book. Biography books are something I have never thought I would be interested in. I always thought they were dry, boring and uneventful. My lesson learned here is that don’t judge a book by its cover, literally. Sometimes it’s important to try things out of your comfort zone because you just never know what might strike your cord and make you want to play.

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